Thansur & Le Bokor Palace Sokha Hotel & Casino is invested by Sokha hospitality, Sokimex is owner. The area included Thansur hotel & Le Bokor Palace with land size 21.5ha, 0.014% of that represent of the 154.542 ha of Preah
Monivong National Park.
Building Service: 5 star hotel, casino, international convention center, office.
Hop Nhat was selected as the contractor:
- Design: MATV, cabling, rack, UPS, CCTV, PA, tel & data, wifi, server system.
- Supply & install: MATV station at highest location in Bokor moutain, fiber & copper cable infrastructure, server rack, UPS, wifi, CCTV, Public Address, switch for hotel & casino area.
Located: Bokor mountain, Kampot.