SoKha Phnom Penh is invested by Sokha hospitality, Sokimex is owner and including 1 basement, 19 floors with 850 rooms for hotel and residence apartment.
Building Service: 5 star hotel, international convention center, office.
Hop Nhat was selected as the contractor:
- Design: ELV, AV, IT system included fiber & copper cable infrastructure, trunking & tray, IPTV, switch, PA, CCTV, KTV, sky bar sound & stage lighting.
- Supply & install: cable & trunking, conduit infrastructure, audio & video for big ballroom (2000 seats) & meeting room, IPTV, pro-sound & laser lamp for KTV room, pro-sound portable system, sky bar included pro-sound & DJ & stage lighting, public address system.
Located: Phnom Penh city, Combodia.